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Image Descriptions for GA4 Looker Studio Data Visualization Charts

Below are high-level image descriptions for the charts located in my GA4 Looker Studio Data Visualization Charts template. These images provide a big-picture view without diving into the specifics, as the data they represent is always on the move, updating monthly or even daily.

If you ever find yourself needing more detail, an export of a data from the charts, or a different explanation format, I’m just an email away at christina@mediasesh.com. Helping of make sense of the data, no matter your preferred method of communication, is something I take seriously. I’m still learning, so thoughts and feedback are invaluable.

Basic Charts

  1. Sessions Bar Chart: A vertical bar chart displaying the number of sessions over time with indicators for month-over-month and year-over-year changes.
  2. Total Revenue Line Chart: A line graph showing the total revenue trend over time with indicators for month-over-month and year-over-year changes.
  3. Sessions and Revenue Bar and Line Chart: A combined chart with bars representing sessions and a line showing revenue over time, displaying the relationship between the two metrics.
  4. Sessions and Revenue by Source Bar Chart: Two separate bar charts placed side-by-side, showing the distribution of sessions and revenue by different sources, such as direct, referral, and organic search.
  5. Sessions and Revenue Trend Bar Chart: Two separate bar charts place side-by-side, showing the distribution of sessions and revenue by year, such as 2022, 2023, and 2024.
  6. Devices Doughnut Chart: A doughnut chart illustrating the proportion of sessions and revenue generated from different devices like mobile, desktop, tablet, and smart TV.
  7. Traffic Sources Proportional Bar Chart: A multi-colored horizontal bar chart showing the proportional distribution of traffic sources over time, with different colors representing sources like direct, organic search, and cross-network.
  8. Channel Groupings Pie Chart: A pie chart presenting the percentage breakdown of sessions by different channel groupings such as direct, organic search, referral, and others.
  9. Sessions and Revenue Trend Line Chart with Event Markers: A trend line chart for sessions and total revenue with vertical lines marking significant events like product launches and code freezes, providing context to data fluctuations.

Enhanced Charts

  1. Site Breakdown Flowchart: A providing a hierarchical view of site traffic, breaking down views and revenue data into different website sections like /product and /blog.
  2. Campaign Performance Cards: Four cards displaying key metrics for the number of sessions, new users, conversions, and total revenue, with month-over-month percentage changes, and a dropdown option to filter by campaign.
  3. Key Metrics Overview Wheel: A circular diagram with five segmented rings, similarly shaped to a flower, showing an overview of essential metrics including sessions, new users, total revenue, conversions, and engagement rate, with a dropdown option to filter by page.
  4. Sessions and Revenue Side-by-Side Horizontal Bar Chart: A horizontal bar chart that compares sessions and revenue generated from various marketing channels like cross-network, direct, email, and organic search.
  5. Device Performance Donut Charts: Two donut charts showing the number of sessions and conversions, one for desktop and one for mobile devices, providing a quick comparison of performance across device types.

Content Performance

  1. Site Visits Tree Map: A tree map visualization of site visits by day of the week, with the size of each section proportional to the percentage of total visits that occurred on that day.
  2. Top Pages Based on Sessions Area Chart: An area chart showing the number of sessions over time for top pages, categorized by page title. The peaks and troughs indicate fluctuations in the number of sessions.
  3. Search Page Titles Table: A detailed table listing various page titles with corresponding metrics for sessions, percentage change, engagement rate, and conversions. This table allows for an in-depth analysis of page performance within the site.

E-commerce Charts

  1. E-commerce Funnel Chart: An inverted pyramid chart visualizing the customer journey on an e-commerce site, showing the number of products viewed, items added to the cart, checkouts initiated, purchases completed, and revenue, with percentage changes for each stage.
  2. Search Products Table: A table listing individual product items with columns for the number of views and revenue generated, including the percentage change for each metric, allowing for a comparison of product performance.
  3. Views & Revenue Scatter Plot: A scatter plot chart correlating product views with revenue for the top 20 product pages, with the size of each dot representing the scale of items purchased.
  4. Top Channels & Pages Sankey Chart: A horizontal bar chart displaying top channels and pages based on revenue, highlighting the leading revenue-generating products through various channels like organic search and referral traffic.
  5. Cumulative Product Views Waterfall Chart: A waterfall chart showing the cumulative number of product views over time, illustrating the growth in product interest or marketing effectiveness.
  6. Product Performance Dropdown Table: A drop-down selection table that provides detailed metrics such as views, purchases, and revenue for a selected product, offering a focused analysis on individual product performance.

Geo Charts

  1. Geographical Heat Map: A world map color-coded to represent the volume of sessions from different countries, with darker shades indicating higher session counts.
  2. Country Sessions Table: A table listing countries with corresponding sessions data and the percentage change in sessions, highlighting the global distribution and trends in user engagement.
  3. Country Revenue Table: Similar to the sessions table, this one lists countries with corresponding revenue data and percentage change, providing insights into the financial performance across different global regions.
  4. United States Bubble Map: A geo map of the United States with bubbles overlaid to represent session counts and revenue amounts across various states, with bubble size and shade color reflecting the volume of sessions or revenue.
  5. City Sessions and Revenue Table: A detailed table showing key cities in the United States with their respective session counts, percentage change, and revenue data, allowing for a granular analysis of user engagement and revenue generation at the city level.

Progress & Goal Charts

  1. Overall Traffic Goals Bullet Chart: A horizontal bar chart showing progress towards overall traffic goals, with a numerical target indicated.
  2. SEO Traffic Goals Bullet Chart: Another horizontal bar chart tracking the progress towards specific search engine optimization (SEO) traffic goals, with a numerical target indicated.
  3. Monthly Performance Table: A comprehensive table that details sessions, conversions, and total revenue for each month. This table also shows a grand total for all metrics and the set goals at the bottom.
  4. Overall Sessions Goal Meter: A vertical progress indicator that visually represents the number of overall sessions as a percentage of the target goal.
  5. Overall Conversions to Goal Chart: A doughnut chart showing the percentage of conversions achieved against the total conversion goal.
  6. Total Revenue to Goal Chart: A semi-circular gauge chart indicating the total revenue earned in relation to the set financial goal.

Buttons & Filters

  1. Page Title and Sessions Table: A table listing page titles along with the number of sessions for each page, providing a clear view of which pages are the most visited.
  2. Sessions Bar Chart: A vertical bar chart that corresponds to the table, graphically representing the number of sessions per page title for a visual comparison. Above this bar chart and the page title and sessions table is a note stating that it is not necessary to change the charts in the specified box as they quickly show some of the filtering magic, with an option to reset filters to their original state.
  3. Filtering Tools: At the top, there are filtering options including drop-down menus and input fields for dimensions, search page titles, and channel groupings, allowing for dynamic adjustment of the displayed data based on the selected criteria.
  4. Navigation and Utility Buttons: On the right, there are buttons for actions like resetting filters, downloading the report, obtaining the report link, and returning to the title slide, providing quick access to common functions within the dashboard interface.
  5. Channel Sources Checklist: A checklist that likely allows for the selection or deselection of various channel sources to customize the data displayed in the dashboard.

Final Note

Please note that navigating Looker Studio with a screen reader might present challenges in certain situations. While the image descriptions provided aim to be useful, I acknowledge they may not capture all the specific data points you’re seeking. Should you have any accessibility concerns, or if you wish to share feedback, questions, or comments, I warmly invite you to reach out to me via email at christina@mediasesh.com. Your input is invaluable and I’m here to assist you in any way I can!